This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bill, that's cute! (Wish I could get my husband to vaccum.) Your piece made
me think of a quote by Joyce Gibson Roach:

"The emanicipation of women may have begun not with the vote, nor in the
cities where women marched and carried signs and protested, but rather when
they mounted a good cow horse and realized how different and fine the view.
>From the back of a horse, the world looked wider."

On the bee item: I think many a maligned bee has taken a bad rap for a
horse that purely enjoys bucking, Fjords no exception. Once in a great
while you'll discover one that's full of "P & Vinegar."

It sounds to me like Casey's horse is wrong for her, (this is not an
isolated incident)  but as Carol recently brought out on a different topic;
he might be just right for someone else.

Ruthie, NW MT

At 10:36 AM 10/4/99 +0000, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       It might interest you to know that this move by American women away 
>from the "house so clean you can eat off the floor" model expressed 
>by a couple of list participants is apparently part of a larger
>generational phenomenon. Reportedly, many "baby boom" women keep 
>houses in a less obsessive manner than their mothers.
>       Makes sense when one considers the other changes in women's roles 
>that have taken hold.
>       I've got to go now, it's time for me to vacuum.
>       Bill

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