This message is from: "Carl and Sarah Nagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Misha wrote:

>! Lately I have been riding my horse so much and having the
>time of my life. It seems all I ever do is WORK. I always had this excuse
>not to ride--not because I didn't want to I would rather ride or drive a
>horse more than anything else int he world, but I always was saying, well,
>you had better get this done first. They days whirled by. Then one day I
>said to myself, life is short, get out there and ride. So I am having a
>blast. My husband comes home and I am bouncing off the walls. He says, "Oh
>you are riding your horse, thank god--you are always so happy when you do!"

Misha ... ride your horse!

I am also one of those who always has a list of things I "should" do.
Well, one of the best things I have done recently is to stop and ride my
Ori, at least every other day, sometimes daily.   The last two weeks have
been heaven in that respect.  I come home with much more energy, my mind
cleared from the wonderful trail ride and my clothes covered with dust and
horse hair.  I love it!!!  Makes me a better wife and mom after I have my
"horsey" fix and some quiet time with my wonderful mare.   The other stuff
will wait.  Grab today and enjoy a couple of hours outside on your horses

It's the most wonderful, selfish thing I have done for myself in years!!!

Sarah Nagel, enjoying the crisp fall weather and the changing leaves in the

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