This message is from: Jon & Mary Ofjord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello List:

We just got back on line after an absence of 20 days.  Had to read over 650
email messages in the past two days!  Glad to hear things are pretty much
back to "normal".

Our latest computer blowout happened just after Jon left for Libby with Ron
Davis.  A thunder storm was approaching fast and I got the 'puter shut down
and turned off, but a bolt of lightning struck very close to the house.
Standing with my eyes scrunched and my fingers in my ears, I watched in
horror as "great balls-of-fire" came spewing out of the place where the
surge proctector sat.  It sounded like every lightbulb in the house blew
out, but none did.  Only the phone lines and computer were damaged.  I had
my cell phone in the house and called my neighbors.  They came up to check
on me as I was quite shaken (the bottoms of my feet were tingling).  I said
I was afraid to look out in the pasture for fear of seeing dead horses
everywhere.  They went out and checked on the herd, even though it was
pouring rain, and reported the horses were all fine(whew).  The lightning
strike also took out the fuses in the fencer, but didn't touch the light
bulbs in the barn.

So there I sat with no computer to catch up on the latest news on the list
or hear any reports about Libby :-(

Jon returned from Libby with some fine videos of the classes and I even got
to see Jean Ernest (Hi, Jean!) and some of the other folks I've only known
in cyberspace.  Good things have already been said about Libby.  What a
great show!!!
I even went out and started practicing with my mare Vedas, trying to get
her to so some fast spins and turns....well,Gayle, we need a little more work.

Yesterday was my birthday and I spent it(mostly) by myself and the horses.
I took a ride under absolutly beautiful September skies. The big lake was
such an intense blue it almost hurt the eyes.  The leaves were at their
peak.  With just a touch of cool to the air, Vedas was feeling good and
ready to go.  We saw a fox bounding through the tall grasses (Did we go fox
hunting?) It was a perfect way to spend the day.

If any of you get the catalog called Waters of Superior, look for Sylvi
(our super model).  We're very proud of her.

Glad to be back on line again.  Learning more stuff already.....

Be good to each other.

Mary Ofjord
North Coast Fjords

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