This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am leaving early tomorrow morning (Friday) for the KC CDE at Longview Park. I
have an emergency. My navigator got thrown from a horse she was training last
night and is badly bruised (no broken bones, thank goodness! and it was a
quarter horse). Anyway I am, at the very last minute, without a navigator!

Any Fjord people in the KC area interested in doing a limited marathon (5.5
km-Section E only) with me on Saturday? I need someone who is not a afraid of a
little bumpy driving and whose weight combined with mine won't outface Tank in
his first and barely ready effort. No marathon experience necessary - what the
heck I don't have any either. We will just have a good time and make a good

I have contacted the event secretary for help in finding someone, but I thought
I would see if anyone on the list might be in the area. Contact me immediately
if you are interested.

Cynthia Madden
Omaha, Nebraska USA

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