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I think it takes a lot of commitment to VOLUNTEER on a committee and still 
continue on with lifes demands,  We need to encourage our willing servants to 
the Board, or we will have a hard time finding successors.  I do think 
however, once the committment is made  their is no excuse for repeated missed 
meetings,  and that if one finds, they have  no time to devote to their 
volunteer work they should step down, and we all should  honor that without 
fault,  sometimes  things come up that are unexpected and we have to back 
down from obligations.   This is just my personal opinion and i dont expect 
everyone to agree with me,  afterall we are all individuals with different 
opinions  right?
Michele Noonan
in WINDY  Stevensville, Montana

ps  I commend you Mike on your prompt responses  to whatever question we ask 
of you.  you are truly  the model of promptness and volunterism!!!

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