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I know you all know how great Fjords are, but I wonder if sometimes we take 
them for granted.  Believe me, EVERYTIME I go out for a ride on mine, I can't 
help marvel at the wonder of these little beasties.
I've owned a number of horses over the years. I guess looking for the "RIGHT" 
horse, till I found these.
I have 2, Ross & Sebastian. Ages 7 and 5.
Everytime we go for a trail ride, we come to something they've never seen or 
done, and I'm NEVER disappointed in their wiliness to TRY anything. Yesterday 
it was a 8" deep, 20' wide, moving stream. I've rode more seasoned trail 
horses that might not have attempted the crossing, but these two went down 
the bank and then threw like the most WONDERFUL trail horses you'll ever 
Last week it was a metal grate type bridge.  This bridge is over RUSHING 
water with a 8-9 ft. drop. The bridge it self is about 10' wide (no sides) 
and about 15' long.  Now the water is VERY loud, small falls on one side of 
it, and you can SEE the water moving under you as you cross the bridge.  One 
of my boys could care less, he even stops and enjoys the view (he's so nosie 
anyways) and the other has his nose down, blowing all the way, but he doesn't 
think twice, If I asked, he'll do it.  God I love that little guy!!!!!
Some of you may be thinking of the danger involved in this but what of the 
adventure to be met on the other side of that bridge.....think of all we'd be 
missing.  I'll take the chance.
I have nothing against showing, even plan to do some myself next year, but 
for those of you that have NEVER just gone trail riding......YOU DON'T KNOW 

Garland Maine
Fall is "thinking" about coming :)

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