This message is from: Martha Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> We are glad you came out of the
>closet with a Fjord instead of a dress!  I am curious, like Gayle. Did you 
>a dress?
Given the opportunity to ride or shop...what do you think...(grin)
Actually the kids are getting a little nervous, they are sending for 
Many thanks to all of you who have responded to my questions on training. 
 I am very fortunate in that the horses have an eight acre pasture in 
which to play and work out steam.  I did take Anna out to see if she knew 
how to lunge, but she looked at me with a totally blank look (or was 
there a sparkle, you know the saying dumb as a fox!)  Any suggestions on 
how to train them to lunge?
Take care,

from that little peice 
   of heaven called 

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