This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Okay, so who is going to Skandifest?

I'm leaving the ranch here in Carson City with 2 mares and a weanling filly. A 5 1/2 hr trek over spectacular Hwy 88 then down into the armpit of Calif, Stockton and the Central Valley.

Suggestions on things of local interest, weather, etc.?

The Festival itself is very good with so much to see and do,( but I usually am too tied up doing the horsey thing to see it all.) Great music, food,art, vendors.Turlock is a great 'small' town, predominantly conservative lutheran,and neat as a pin. Not to be missed: breakfast at Latifs,(in town), exquisite Swedish thin pancakes and locally made apple sausage, served in a sparkling, right out of the timewarp 60's moderne decor.

The weather is usually clear and crisp fall weather, a little hazy in the afternoon, but not too hot. Last year it was slightly overcast and it even sprinkled a little, a great bonus for the fuzzy weegees.

Looking forward to meeting you Brigid, and re-acquainting myself with Tommes and Rafael. See ya!


Happy Fjording,
Brigid in CA

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