This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)

Hi Everybody!  from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

>This message is from: "cnielsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>hi list- I was at villa Louis, it was a great show. the mystery tandem was
>Susan keating with her older fjord geldings. the horse with the long mane
>was liesl Thomas with a mare that I heard was a full sister to kanada
>king.they both did a great job!

I've just returned from Libby (had a wonderful time, as usual), and trying
to catch up a bit on the List.

The "horse with the long mane" must be BDF LIZA (Gjest x Stine), a full
yr. old Stallion Class at Libby).  Liza is owned by Marilyn Radke from
Wisconsin, and Marylyn's daughter's name is Liesel.  Liza is such a
beautiful mare that she merited the only full-page photo in my book, long
mane and all.  Marilyn tells me that she moves just as well as BDF Kanada
King, and the other siblings.  I wish I'd seen her.

Libby was so much fun as usual, and I urge all of you to attend in 2000.
Competitors are already talking about making it a really big show!  

As wonderful a show as this is, it could be even better, and I offer up
these suggestions:

Actually, I've made the same suggestions for several years, but the
committee has always decided against, after discussing the issue.  I don't
know their reasoning.

The problem is that they do not give any information regarding SIRE, DAM,
DAM'S SIRE & BREEDER in any of the halter classes.  I believe that this
information should be in the Program.  This is accepted procedure at dog
breed shows and horse breed shows.  

If this information is not available to those watching the Halter Classes,
how are they going to learn anything at all about the individual horses
being shown and the bloodlines?  

I was in the stands surrounded by new Fjord people and wannabees, and they
were ALL astounded that this critical information was not provided.  They
couldn't believe it wasn't, and were very disappointed as many of them were
eager to learn all they could about Fjords.

For instance, if a young horse placed well, or poorly in these conformation
classes, it means very little if those watching haven't a clue as to

This problem was really obvious during two classes at the show ----- GET OF
SIRE CLASS and the PRODUCE OF DAM CLASS.  The rules said that the "sire"
and "dam" whose get and produce were being judged, did not have to be
present . . . and they weren't.  So, the produce and the get were lined up
in the two classes, and the judge placed them, and nowhere was there any
indication what sire or what dam had produced these winning horses. The
announced was also silent on the subject.  

Hey! Am I crazy, or what?  Aren't we missing the boat here?  Aren't Halter
Classes a wonderful opportunity to educate ourselves about bloodlines? What
does the Education Committee think of this issue?   

To sum up -  I think the following information should be in the program for
each horse participating in the show:   sire - dam - damn's sire -  breeder. 
Woodstock, Blue Earth, Libby & Turlock (? - not sure about Turlock)  are
Breed Shows.  These are the places we go to show our breed, learn about the
breed, buy and sell.  In my oppinion, we need the above information in the

And, for something like a GET OF SIRE CLASS, or a PRODUCE OF DAM CLASS, the
names of the "sire" and "dam" should be announced.  Seems kind of
pointless, otherwise. 

On an upbeat note . . . I was thrilled to accompany the Starfire Farm team
to Libby, and to see BDF John Arthur, BDF Magnum & BDF Obelisk, or THE BDF
BOYS, as Beth and Sandy call them, bring home the blues.  I was
particularly pleased to see how well "Obie" is coming along under Beth's
expert guidance.  He's a love!  Absolutely gorgeous, and the sweetest
tempered stallion anyone could hope to see. 

Regards,  Carol    

Carol and Arthur Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7 Pomquet
Antigonish County
Nova Scotia
B2G 2L4
902 386 2304

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