This message is from: Dolph Courchaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jean, I guess we will have to agree to disagree.  I re-read Mr. Andersen's
emails.  I didn't see anything impolite in them.  Dr. Jacobsen called it
'less than tactful'  I would call it 'blunt but matter of factful' he was
making a comment about his first impressions on the group.  He didn't attack
anyone or make any derragatory remarks about anyone.  In my view he just
stated facts in a blunt manner.  Now is'nt funny how we can all interpret
the written word so differently?  

What I don't think is right though is to continue to defend rude behavior.
Now I'm assuming the 'lighten up' comment was stated with serious intent and
was rude.  Maybe it was stated with a smile and in jest and I am wrong.
Correct me if so. 

What I try to do is pretend we are all in a circle at a horse show talking
face to face and then make my response.   I think I could have just as
easily made the lighten up comment.  So what I learned from this was a
better response would be something along the lines of "Hey your right, Mr
Andersen, we did get off topic.  We do do that every now and then.  Your new
to this group.  What do you have in the way of Fjords?  What are your
interests?  etc etc".  I think that is what Miss Manners would recommend.

Now what about my other idea?  Is it time for two different 'circles at the
horse show' one for the serious and one for the social?  Would that solve
some of our issues? I dont want one at this time.  But if I ever do, I guess
I will have to build one and see if 'they' come.  That would be just like
taking a vote wouldn't it?  :)

I suppose we should also let this topic go and take it 'off line' if we
continue.  I just hope we all learned something from it and can accept
responsibility for doing something inappropriate.

I was glad to see the comments on Libby and the Villa Louis Carrige Classic.
Did some one ever get the actual participants of the Villa Louis Classic?
We attended a few years back when Gene Bauer and Susan Keating competed.  I
was hoping it was Susan who did so well with the tandem.  She did back when
we were there.

all for now.
Dolph Courchaine

This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

... Brian had good things to say, but also often one should not cave in to
someone who does not know the group.  Anderson was not polite in his
response, so did he deserve what he got in return????


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