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Well we had a great time at Libby!.   Our first official attendance at a 
Fjord Show.  Now maybe next year i'll bring horses.   I got to meet all the 
wonderful people i've been chatting with and reading about.  Betsy, Laurie, 
Chip, Shirley, Larry Bo, Carol R., Peg, Steve, Nancy L.  and so so many more. 
What a great bunch of people.  We all survived the yellow jackets, and I'm 
sure Sarah and I will be known as the smelly ladies, passing around 
pennyroyal and citronella water.  (Guess what the bees left us alone).  We 
were fragrant though!!  Well gotta go, working on next years Libby plans 
Michele Noonan
Stevensville, Montana

PS  My husband is definetly HOOKED ON FJORDS  now!!

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