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My old pony, Herbie, had a thick coat on him that was 5" long or so.  His was 
mopey and had a foul smelling runny nose.  All the time I owned him I thought 
he was a Baskir Curly, until I learned Baskir Curlies shed out each spring.  
Well, with the help of Julie Will on her computer doing research and my 
trusty computer for research, we discovered what the vets could not.  Horses 
with long coats like a Baskir Curly can often be diagnosed with Cushings 
Syndrome.  Then, via research we learned about the drug Permax and the 
effects it had on this disease.  The vet ran some cortisol level tests and 
they pointed to Cushings as well.  We decided to take a chance and begin 
putting Herbie on Permax.  Well, he has been on the drug for 17 months and 
looks fantastic for a 32 old pinto pony.  He shed out all by himself this 
past spring and has a nice soft coat of hair.  He is perkier than ever and 
has a great appetite!

Many vets don't have a lot of experience with Cushings Syndrome.  Mine 
didn't, but was very cooperative and wanted to know what we had found out.  
Let me know if I can be of any more assistance!  
Pat McCurdy
Cato, NY

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