This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have only raised one foal so am no expert.  Bjorken was weaned at 14
months!  He was gelded at 11 months.  Since he was born the end of june
here in Fairbanks, the plan was to leave him with his mom until the next
spring to get through the very cold winter with warm milk in his belly.
but I just never got around to separating them until early the next fall.
No problem, he is the most well adjusted horse I know, had old BJarne to
play with (his role model) so only went to Mom for a drink of warm milk in
the later months. Stella was slim and fit when we weaned, played a lot with
her son and got lots of exercise.  She hasn't looked that fit and trim
since! Hard to keep the weight off her.

My friends here who have raised a number of fjord foals also leave the
foals with their moms until the following spring.  Most were born about the
first of June and winter is much easier on them with warm milk available
from mom.  The mares are fed grain and supplements to support  nursing
through the winter..It seems easier to feed the mare extra and let them
feed the foals (who are also eating some of the grain)  than trying to get
these foals through the cold without mom's milk.  And weaning is no problem
at the later age.

People who raise other breeds here wean at the "usual" 5-6 months and often
that first cold winter is very difficult for the weanlings. 

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska

At 10:21 AM 9/1/1999 +0000, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       I have been lurking through the discussion about weaning, partly 
>because it seems that we are handling weaning WAY DIFFERENTLY than 
>others. Assuming the mare is in good shape (thrifty-looking coat, 
>some flesh on her bones, ribs capable of being felt, but not seen), 
>and assuming she is getting good hay and some grain, we have weaned 
>as late 9 months after foaling, even when the mare is bred back 1-2 
>heats after foal heat.
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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