This message is from: John and Martie Bolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    John took me to see the movie on Friday when it started here.  I like
Banderis also, but I'm not sure sitting through the gore was worth the little
bit of Fjord we saw.  Everytime the Fjords came storming through, it was very
dark.  You saw Fjord shadows with their riders carrying torches.  You saw Fjord
parts during the fighting scenes.  But it all flashed by so fast you couldn't
really make out any Fjord details.  And without details, they just look like
shaggy little horses having a great time running amuk.  I wanted to see a
couple Fjords just standing there looking like Fjords.
    I read the book earlier this year.  I can understand the gore.  I just
don't like the gore right there bigger than life on the screen.
    It was well acted and the story line mostly made sense although they didn't
go into the background of the Arab 13th warrior.  Like the Arab horse!  I
didn't know that the 'vikings?' rode those big horses?  Or maybe they were just
part of the plunder they were bringing home?

I think it is worth seeing anyway.
Jean Ernest wrote:

> This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The movie, the 13th Warrior, just opened today in Fairbanks.  I must go see
> it to see the Fjords and Orville Unrau riding his all white (yellow?) Fjord
> as an extra, playing the part of a "wendel" ( that right?)  I
> don't like violent or gory movies, tho.. has anybody seen this one yet?
> Since the original name of the book was "Eaters of the Dead"  and there
> were some gory parts in the book (which I didn't finish) I got the
> impression it might be gory. How often will I have to shut my eyes?  How
> gory is it?
> OTOH Antonio Banderas is the star.....I'll have to keep my eyes open ! LOL
> Well, If I do go, I'll make a report!
> Anita wrote a little article about their experiences making the movie for
> the Herald (I THOUGHT!) but I can't seemed to find it, searched back until
> spring l997.  Does anybody recall when this was in the Herald? Or IF it was
> in the Herald?  Maybe it was an e-mail message......
> Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, a beautiful sunny day but frost forcast in low
> areas tonight!
> ************************************************************
> Jean Ernest
> Fairbanks, Alaska

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