This message is from: "Ursula Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks to all for your input for  The Record Book. All info is helpful
and being considered even though I don't always have the time to
respond. We are getting ready for two major events right now and there
is never enough time to do it all.

I just wanted to remind all of you who are stuck on the $18,000 figure
that this is a Total Budget figure based on 1000 copies printed. Now, if
I were to say that the book could cost  anywhere from $12-$19  to
produce, would that make anyone feel better? Same amount just a
different presentation.
In the total budget presented, I included items like conference calls at
$200 per pop, and postage to get letters out to owners and for committee
members to communicate. Layout is around $2500+ and typesetting/prep &
design/graphics another $2000. Somehow none wants to work for
free (except the volunteers)
The other consideration is that this book is the CORE book. IOW, it will
have Eval. relevant info that will not have to be reprinted in future
additional booklets, so we feel that this will be a 'keeper' and should
probably be of better quality. I will check out how much B/W as opposed
to COLOUR pic will affect the price. The three quotes that we received
from different parts of the continent were pretty much the same which
leads me to believe that there is little room for 'give'. We can,
however, make concessions in other ways. We will work on this some more
in Sept and make a revised presentation to the BOD for their Retreat.
Ursula & Brian Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032 Lumby BC Canada V0E-2G0
(250) 547-6303

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