This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sunday, August 22, 1999, you wrote:

> By using European Fjord judges, along with American trained judges,
> we could get this Evaluation Program off the ground and running much
> sooner, and make it available to more owners across the country.
> ...
> Not only that, but by using European judges, we'd be able to
> expedite our own judges training program with Learner Judges in
> attendance.

  I am delighted to be able to wholeheartedly agree with Carol. I can
  think of no good reason why the NFHR should not back a plan like
  this. It would certainly be better to utilize the resource of
  available experienced European evaluators than to try some crash
  program for turning Quarter Horse and Paint judges into Fjord Horse
  evaluators. There is absolutely no reason that European evaluators
  can not use the Evaluation criteria and standards that have been
  developed by the NFHR. We would be asking them to bring their
  knowledge of Fjord Horses, not necessarily their methods of
  We should look at this in the long run; plan on continuing to use
  imported evaluators along with local learners for some time, until
  the North Americans have gained enough experience to work on their
  own. I think we would develop a much more qualified pool of
  evaluators in the end than by any quick-fix solution. By taking time
  we would end up with evaluators trained the same manner the
  Europeans, or for that matter Quarter Horse and Paint judges are.

Steve McIlree & Cynthia Madden -- Pferd, Keyah, Skipper, Tank -- Omaha, 
Nebraska, USA
  Noblest of the train that wait on man, the flight-performing horse.
     --William Cowper(1731-1800)

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