This message is from: "Lynn Mohr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Though some of you might be interested in the use of fjord stallions.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pony Express <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, August 15, 1999 11:48 AM
Subject: RE: [draftndrive] whatta guy !!

>From: "Pony Express" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I agree, I just don't think you can get a better horse than a draft or
>cross. They have it all, looks, size, temperment...everything in one huge
>package :)
>I'm glad your PMU foal is bringing you such joy. I am working on getting a
>truckload of them brought to Texas for people to adopt. The farm they will
>be coming from has 20 stallions and 2/3 of them are draft horses. The mares
>are Quarter horses and draft crosses. They also have a couple Fjord
>stallions. I'm concentrating on the draftcrosses though. Right now I'm just
>waiting to fond out how much it will cost to bring them down and then we
>will be looking for homes for them. I hope the people who will be adopting
>these find as much joy in them as you are finding in Spot.
>I have to mention that Bill had a fit when he saw you named your horse
>He has been trying to name every spotted baby we have Spot and I won't let
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