This message is from: "Glen MacGillivray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well, after a summer of training, our two Fjords took some big steps
yesterday.  The younger of them (Nadia, a 3yo) longed with a rider, and
while doing so hit a number of firsts:  listening to the rider, transitions
to from trot with a rider.  She continued her steady improvements in general
manners (standing still, not misbehaving  or being silly with things like
fly spray , etc.).  SHe's longeing beautifully, and starting to figure out
her canter.  The elder of them (Breeze, a 9yo) was hitched to the cart for
the first time.  We've been gradually introducing her to the various
feelings and sounds, and have been working her with a saddle as well.  She
was pretty bored in the arena with the cart hitched to her, and didn't
notice the weight of a passenger in the cart much, so we tried driving (with
a trainer on a lead still) and she did great!  We took her on some trails so
she'd feel the breeching a bit stronger, and that didn't faze her a bit.
She was having so much fun...The patience of pulling tires, and sticks, and
pieces of chain, the hours of long-lining, all are now starting to pay off.

Anyway, just thought I'd share our little successes.  It's so nice to see
them having so much fun doing exactly what we want them to do!

Glen and Kate MacGillivray

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