This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)

>right d
> we 
>Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 23:45:01 -0800
>From: Kari Ann Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: successful day!
>This message is from: Kari Ann Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
><We'll have to have a =
>Fjord party for all us SF Peninsula locals : )>
>Looking forward to the party and to meeting everyone,
>Most warmly,
>Kari Ann
>PS: Will I actually get to ride a Fjord?
>- -- =
>Please access my web site at <>
>for my artistic, academic and performing resum=E9s, and... =

>This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>"I'm disappointed you feel you can't name these horses and their 
>bloodlines.As a breeder, I'm VERY interested in knowing everything about the 
>really good Fjords..." Carol Rivoire
>  -    -    -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
>Well Carol, one of the reasons I didn't want to declare the names and 
>bloodlines of these horses is the obvious one, which you overlooked, namely 
>I don't want to be accused of too much self promotion, which I guess in 
>"your book" is no big deal, rather par. OK ? ... :)

Dear Karen,

Good Heavens, what did you read into my comments to engender such an insult?  

What I said was I think it's too bad people are reluctant to give
information on outstanding Fjords they own, or have known, for fear of
appearing "self serving."  

It seems to me that's an attitude that does nobody any good, which is what
I meant about "Cutting off the nose to spite the face."  Didn't mean your
nose particularly.  Was thinking of our collective noses on our collective
faces.  ----

  If people have really good Fjords, I'm interested. I want to know about
those horses, who bred them, and their bloodlines,  and I really don't care
who gets a little extra promotion out of it.  Lest anyone think I want to
know in order to buy or sell those horses, that's not the case.  I'm
interested, that's all, and assume other Fjord people would be as well. 

It also seems to me that this very same attitude (fear of promoting this or
that breeder) is the one that has kept the Fjord Show Committees from doing
what other horse shows do; namely, announcing the breeding and breeders of
horses at the shows, and in the show programs.

I've stood at the rails at both Woodstock and Libby and heard spectators
complaining about this.  Several of them have been dog breeders or
fanciers, and they've all said that printing and announcing breeders and
parentage is standard at all shows.  Particularly important for the in-hand

Anybody else have any ideas on this subject?

And Karen, you're wrong about my supposed opinion on King Harald.  Truth is
I don't have an opinion never having seen the stallion, or had anything to
do with his offspring. 

You say we've got "trendy Fjords"?  Didn't know that . . . but, Cool! 


Regards,  Carol
Carol and Arthur Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7 Pomquet
Antigonish County
Nova Scotia
B2G 2L4
902 386 2304

  • Re: Arthur Rivoire
    • Re: Mike May
      • Re: Starfire Farm, LLC
      • Re: Denise Delgado
        • Re: Starfire Farm, LLC
        • Re: Niki May

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