This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am not keen on breeding three year old mares. Having been pg myself. I
think it takes a lot out of you and personally, I am glad I did not start
at 16. I also think that there is a lot of mental maturity the mares go
through between 3 and 4. People have said this doesn't make a difference
but it does! Who do you think influences those kids how to act. Mom. When
you are in a crises situation, it's nice to have at least one of the two be
fairly level headed. I don't treat my horses as 'livestock' and
commodities. They have responsibilities just like I do. They are given and
give respect. I never bought into anthropomorphism comments. If you work
and live with animals as closely as I do, you will find that they have a
lot of the same hopes, drives, desires and emotions as people. After all,
humans are mammals too--last I checked. Misha 

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