This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Like Ceacy's post about chekcing out the offspring. I have held my own
stallin in reserve--or shall we say, on trial in my own mind waiting to see
what he produces. I have been very pleased--and so are my buyers, because
after all, they are the ultimate judges. The mares contribute 50 per cent
though too, so that is to keep in mind. 

Thanks Brian for the dicussion on line breeding--very informative and
should be an article in The Herald--I think. 

Hugin the Seahorse already is in a circus, or so it seems to me sometimes,
what a farm full of Fjords is like. What a smart bredd of horse--don't you
think? I think they like to work because they like to keep their minds
occupied. Sometimes it's a challenge for us--eh?

I get bored just doing leading training with the babies, so we play over
around and under obstacles, sometimes I get them to stand up on a log, you
know, getting them to put their feet where you ask them to, trying to make
the training interesting. I hate this heat because when the Fjords are not
eating, they are sleeping and it cuts into our fun. I have been waiting
until almost dark to play with them, but it sure shortens up our fun time.
On the other hand, this is such a great bunch of kids, I just want to keep
them all. It's hard to sell these guys because you get so darned attached
to them.    Misha

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