This message is from: "fjords" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from Lauren Sellars at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear Mr Jacobson & all
I totally  see the need and practice conventional deworming practices.
ie I use a good paste 3 to 4 times a year. We have seen on this mailing
list that pinworm for example can reoccur within 6 to 8 weeks. I feel
great apprehension at using a paste that often. This is why I have
incorporated garlic into my feeding program. Granted not enough studies
have been done. I have read about people taking manure samples of before
and after garlic use. Apparently the worms were gone. I have also read
in several herbal books of garlic being used for people  with pin worms.
Garlic does not make geat profits for big companies. Therefore great big
studies have not been done. If your horse has pinworms and you just
dewormed 6 weeks ago. You might want to try garlic and then have a
sample of manure examined by a vet.
I have travelled far & wide to see fjords and I have often been appalled
a the condition some horses have been in. Due to worms and
malnuritousment some times being 200 to 300 pounds underweight of thier
gentic lines. I totally agree with a good deworming program. Please
don't misunderstand me. Deworming is critical for good health. Maybe a
few of us horse lovers could use a little garlic too.
Good Health to you all

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