This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
p.s.  don' t call them "little horses."  some people get upset
when they hear that.

Denise: I don't get too upset when I hear that terminology. I think it fairly and pretty accurately describes them. I'd rather hear "little horse" than "pony", 'tho in the end , fjords are who they are, and when one of them beats the pants off of the other breeds at a CDE, Dressage show or Riening,or pulls your silly neighbors 1/2 ton PU out of the muck, well then, they are Damn Good Little Horses, aren't they???

Karen in Carson City, NV..great night for a trail ride: 80% outside, full moon and the sagebrush smells heavenly!

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