This message is from: Mike and Casey Rogillio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>within a few days time I noticed they both were DROOLING...  They'll be 
>standing there and then gusher!  It's >very much like water...but greener.  
>They've been eating, drinking, playing, pooping, all fine.... 
>The new pasture has a couple of Fir, pine and cedar trees, that I've seen them 
>eating from.... Could this be >caused by the pitch or something they are 
>eating in the pasture?  Any ideas?    I've checked inside their >mouths (boy 
>did I get a bath) I can't find any foreign objects in there.

My QH started this on Monday.  He's got scratches on his front feet that
I'm doctoring so I've really learned to leap fast when the mouth opens
up and the gush of spit comes out.  I hate spit unless it's my own, so
you're braver than me to investigate their mouths. 

Called the vet on Tuesday because it went away during the day but was
back worse on Tuesday am.  They asked if I had a persimmon tree in the
pasture.  Why, yes, I do.  She laughed, verified it with the other vet
and said just keep water in front of them.

He's not drooled since then, and like your horses is just fine in all
other regards. I have to assume they're correct and that Justin decided
to try a new taste treat and has since decided they aren't so good after

Maybe this is your problem too??

Casey in awful, humid Alabama

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