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      Hi  List !      Wanted to thank Brian for another wise and wonderful 
advice post  regarding worming......its great that we have someone to keep us 
informed on medical issues regarding our Fjords. 
  I, too have heard alot of " herbal, and local  cures for worms.....and our 
town of Norco, with its dense population of horses, was used as a case study 
for diff. wormers, by Davis University, a few years back.  I remember 
tobacco, diff. petrolium products, garlic, alot of mix's of herbal 
potions......ALL comming back with signaficiant worm infestations, in a short 
period. Most commercially bought wormers did what they stated....and given 
the proper doses with each horses weight, proved to be safe, and reliable. I 
worm ours every 8-10 weeks, the youngsters every month or so, till one year  
old. I also have my vet, run fecal checks on our whole herd, yearly. Mine 
have not shown any response to using an Ivermectin, rotated with a diff. 
brand each other month, in " resistance " or infestation.  
    ~  ~  ~~~   ~ ~~~~~ ~  ~  ~    <------- WORMS !

    Wolfe teeth, is a weird deal with ours. Only one Fjord ( Knute ) showed a 
slight problem in wanting a bit to hit his wolfe teeth, and we had his 
removed, a few years ago. Our other Fjords, all have theirs and have never 
had problems with an assortment of riding, and / or driving bits. I cant 
believe how routenly, some folks pull them, BEFORE any hint of problem. Just 
our perspective. 
   " "   " "    <--------TEETH
     Packing tomorrow for my plane ride to Minesota Wed. I wish all of you 
nice folks already there would quit posting with signature lines " From HOT, 
I KNOW.......OK?  I lived there for 25 years !   Last year at Blue Earth was 
almost nice weather, with the exception of one good downpour during the hitch 
class's. The year before, I thought I was going to die. Or melt. Or evaporate 
into a steamy, sticky mess.......much like the Dairy Queen Blizzards, I could 
not seem to avoid. So, please, keep cool thoughts while I spend a few days in 
Mpls. in my dads NON-Airconditioned older home in uptown. See you at the fair 
!     Lisa Pedersen


PS  Thanks Jackie, PAV AUSSIE, for holding down the snert filled fort with 
Fjord Chat Sun. night !     Will miss ya girl, and will try and get a few 
good shots of the Jolly Green guy, and DQ.  ;   )  LP

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