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Brian J. - interesting that you have so many folks looking for geldings.  
When I began looking for a Fjord I sent a "want ad" to 40 breeders.  While I 
did find geldings forsale they were on the west coast and east coast.  I am 
in the midwest!!  I came close to purchasing one from a video when I decided 
to first exhaust all possibilities in the midwest.  I called most everyone in 
Minnesota within a 3 hours radius of Mpls./St. Paul.  I found lots of babies 
forsale, young stock forsale and a few young geldings, but NO older, trained 
geldings - and I was willing to pay!!! :)

Finally, I decided to just go see one of the younger geldings. The fellow had 
mentioned earlier that he had an older gelding, not the most beautiful, but 
had done everything - however, he was not forsale.  When I got to the farm 
there were two horses in the barn - he said they decided they would be 
willing to sell the older one as well.  Within l0 minutes I knew he was the 
horse for me - and I thought he was BEAUTIFUL - drafty with the sweetest 
temperment and big brown eyes.  Yes, he has a long head and tends to be a bit 
chunky - but he is wonderful.  I was so thankful the family was willing to 
sell him to me - they had owned him for 9 years.  He has been a great 
teaching horse for me (driving) and while I know the family misses him they 
are happy to see him getting LOTS of attention.  

The point of my story is to those looking for geldings - call 
everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!  Go see as many as you can and if someone has one of the 
older, done everything, been everywhere geldings ASK if they would be willing 
to sell it.  Be willing to pay a decent price - those years of experience are 
worth alot.   To those of you who might have an older gelding that has some 
worthwhile experience - if the good ole' boy is just hanging around while you 
fuss and work with younger horses - have just to darn many horses or don't 
have time to go and do stuff with him - consider selling him to someone who 
does.  The lady I bought my Fjord from still refers to him as her "best 
friend" but she is happy we are enjoying him, love him and are giving him a 
wonderful home.  

Best of luck to those looking for that wonderful Fjord in their future.

Linda in Minnesota where it is HOT, HOT, HOT and muggy - the horses just love 
it when I hose them down at the end of the day - then they go stand in front 
of their fans on their stalls :)

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