This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Would love to hear
>if there is interest.

(in clicker training)

 What we really should do is have a clinic in
>connection with Libby sometime, or maybe the Turlock show or.... - something
>to work toward.  Anyone interested?

I sure would like that! I'm fascinated by this idea and would love to have
some instruction in clicker training at the Libby show. (near here, and I
hate to travel). Is that a possibility?

Ruthie Bushnell, NW MT
>Ceacy wrote:
>I have read a>few references to clicker training on this list so I thought I
>would post a
>>notice about an upcoming 5 day clinic I am hosting at my farm.  Aug.9-13
>>Alexandra Kurland, the author of the book Clicker Training For Horses ,
>>will be
>>conducting a hands on clinic using clicker training. The first two days
>>will be an introduction on how clicker training works, shaping behavior,
>>applications of this method, and skill improvement. The last three days
>>will be under saddle and combines clicker with John Lyons one rein method
>>of training. I have been working with Alex for awhile and have found this
>>method to be very ,very useful with Fjords.
>>I gave a demo at the Mass. Equine Expo. with Alex last April and we used my
>>stallion Konggard at liberty in the arena. We showed the attention getting
>>stuff like fetching and retrieving stuff,  and playing tag, but we also
>>demonstrated what I think is particularly useful for Fjords, which is what
>>I refer to as therapeutic gymnastics. These are ways in which you can use
>>clicker training to teach your horse exercises that will improve their
>>muscle tone, flexibility, and balance. For example, I used this method to
>>teach Konggard to raise the base of his neck which is an important part of
>>collection and self carriage. I have been using it to teach him how to rock
>>his weight back onto his hindlegs in the halt, and doing exercises to free
>>up his shoulders. The best part is that you can do this kind of work almost
>>anywhere and at anytime, despite the weather!
>Gail Russell
>Forestville CA

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