This message is from: "Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List:  We'd like to thank those of you that gave us information for
boarding facilities.  That is just what we were looking for.  Now all we
have to do is compile all the information.  I think some of our friends
think we're nuts for doing this (Philis?), but there is a need for it.

On to other things.....Our horses came up from the pasture two nights ago
and 3 out of five of them had bumps on their muzzles.  It looks more like a
rash as some of the pistules have broken open.  The vet said it looked like
what you would see in poison ivy cases, but we have none of that up here.
I went down in the pasture to see what might have caused it, but other than
thistles, roses and maybe some raspberry canes I can't see anything that
would have caused that.  We have dead nettle, but not stinging nettle. The
horses have been in this pasture for several years and haven't come up with
anything like this.  That pasture is now closed to the horses.  Anybody got
any ideas on this, or what could have caused this?  We have had a
humid-rainy summer, so the weather could play a factor helping to produce
some kind of volatile spores.  The horses are being treated with cortisone
cream. The vet gave one of the horses a shot of antihistamines yesterday,
but it had no effect on the rash.  The rash is confined to the muzzle area

Thanks for your help.

Mary Ofjord
In northern MN where we just had hurricane force winds in the Boundary
Waters Canoe area....many folks stranded, much,much sad.

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