This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Maybe thy're bored?  Or I suppose their feet could be sore, except my horse
never have sore feet after shoeing with my farrier...but it IS a possibility.

Have they learned to go forward when ground driving with a touch of the
whip on the side where the leg would go?  go back to basics and reinforce
your leg, with a touch of the whip if they don't respond. They should think
of the whip as a signal and correction but not be afraid of it (I carry one
on trail rides and Bjorken knows that he's supposed to keep his head out of
the grass...but I can brush mosquitoes off of him with it and he know I'm
using for that..not to signal him!)

You maybe should ground drive them to see how they move, and reinforce your
command to go forward,  Then if they seem ok (not foot sore, and moving
forward,) ride them and use the riding whip to reinforce the "go forward"
command from your leg. (Squeeze your legs..if no response tap with the
whip, no response tap harder till he moves, then go back to the leg...don't
just kick and kick..They get dull to the leg..don't use the whip all the
time either..Don't tap all the time. and go back to the lightest tap that
will bring a response. Leave them alone when they are moving forward..Maybe
your balance was "telling" them to stop.

Hope this helps,

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, another gorgeous (hot) day! 85 degrees

>Today they both decided to walk halfway around, then stop and refuse to
>I decided it was best to dismount and end for the day, rather than get upset 
>and confuse all three of us. Could their feet be sore from the new shoes, or 
>are they just pulling a fast one on me? In either case, what should I do?
>Brigid in CA
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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