This message is from: Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Those of us who are members the MWFHC just received ballots for this year's
officers. Due to a miscommunication, misunderstanding, whatever, my name did not
appear on the ballot for Secretary.

If you have not sent in your ballot yet, please think of me as a write-in
candidate for Secretary.

I have many years public relations and non-profit management experience as well
as desktop publication skills with newsletters. I have been an active promoter
of Fjords at horse fairs in Iowa and Kansas despite the fact that I am not a
breeder. I serve on the MWFHC Show Committee and suggested and chaired this
year's Blue Earth Clinic Committee. I also serve on the NFHR Education
Committee. Everywhere Tank and I go we are enthusiatic representor's of the
Norweigian Fjord Horse.

I would be honored to serve the club as Secretary.


Cynthia Madden
Omaha, Nebraska

  • MWFHC Club Ballots Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/UNEBR
    • MWFHC Club Ballots Cynthia_Madden/OAA/UNO/UNEBR

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