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Hello everyone,

Just a thought on the ideas for Equitana.  If they are planning a "battle" 
scene depicting a Nordic battle with their Icelandics, it will be totally 
"un-Nordic, or as some wish to call it, Viking" without a mythic by-theme.

The Norse felt at every battle the Valkyries were present.  These 13 divine 
females rode their steeds crazily around, through, and above the battle, 
looking for acceptable warriors to escort to Valhalla.  If they found one, 
they would lift the slain warrior onto the said Valkyrie's steed, and ride 
away to the rainbow bridge, Bifrost, to take him to his new dwelling.  Also, 
some of these Valkyries were said to ride at the side of, or behind a chosen 
warrior, protecting him from harm.

I think it would be pretty awesome to see thirteen women riding their Fjords 
in Valkyrie gear, weaving in and out of the battle, collecting "souls", while 
a few of these Valkyries actresses rode by the side of a few warriors 
"protecting" them.

Anyway, just a thought.

Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm

  • Info. Etc. Catherine Lassesen
    • Re: Info. Etc. Heithingi

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