This message is from: Mike and Casey Rogillio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

C'mon guys, I'm getting a complex here in Alabama about my baby Tyr.  He
MAY be 13.0 if he stretches up really tall and one isn't so careful to
make sure everything's level!  He'll be 4 in July so I'm not sure he'll
grow anymore.

And then I read everywhere in the list about all these tall Fjords
(heck, 13.2 is sounding tall to me these days!) and how they're 14, or
14.1 and still growing and I just kinda whimper inside.

So how about it, anyone have any SHORT Fjords they want to brag upon?  I
can't have the only one out there, can I??!

On a different note, Tyr's at his 3rd trainer, and altho I saw this
trainer get bucked off Sunday (2 hops, all 4 feet 1' off the ground and
one trainer on the ground) I think this guy will do the trick.  He
promptly put his wife on Tyr, led her around, then gave her control, got
his son on him, and slowly worked Tyr into going into a trot on command. 

Trainer says that he pushed him too fast (showing off for me is likely)
and wasn't prepared for the bucking.  He'd already had Tyr out earlier
that day and ridden him with no problems, but he'd taken his time
working Tyr into a trot.  

Hi-ho, maybe we'll be riding by the end of the summer.  That would suit
me too.  I'm willing to wait a few more months to end up with a horse
that I can ride.

Casey, who wishes she had one of every color of Fjord there is after
reading the last few weeks.

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