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I went to our local farming store yesterday to pick up some stall mats and 
posts for fencing.  As I was at the checkout stand paying for my purchases, I 
looked down.  And my heart leapt for joy, as it always does when it sees a 
fjord foal.  There, on the cover of our local horse market magazine, was a 
beautiful picture of a fjord baby.  Looking further into the magazine, I saw 
that the foal was from Hesthaven, and inside was a little shot of a fjord 
being driven.   I was excited, as you almost never see fjords featured on the 
cover of anything (well, except this year's Northwest Trail book has 2 fjords 
on the cover).  That foal is beautiful, and a very nice representation of the 

BTW, when I showed the magazine to my husband, he said "Lassen? <sp?>...... 
THAT'S the lady who was the BEST western rider I saw at the evaluation, on 
this beautiful stallion".  I remember he came home on the Sunday of the 
evaluations with glowing reports of this lady who could really ride.  

BTW, he didn't see Gail ride her reining horse, so don't be chagrined that he 
didn't say one of the TWO best western riders! <g>.


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