This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am worried about this also.  I have joined AHSA (American Horse Show
Associatin)  for the insurance coverage.  There is also an additional
"farm" policy available from the compmany that provides their insurance.
I'm not certain how much coverage the basic AHSA insurance covers, but at
least it's a start. Their web page is:

It only cost $40 to join and at least I get a little coverage.  Does
anybody  have any more information on this?

Jean ini Fairbanks, Alaska, where it is an overcast cool day..Where's summer?
>       My insurance guy says that if she had been really hurt on my farm, I 
>would be liable - whether or not I had invited her, whether or not I even 
>knew she was there.  Wow!  Can this be true?  
>       Anyone out there know anything about liability?  Anyone ever had this 
>happen to them before?  How do you protect yourself from any passer-by who 
>takes a fancy to go "pat the pretty horses"?
>                                                               Jan
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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