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This message is from:"Linda Syverson-Kerr"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Group;
I purchased a Fjord, my first in Sept. 2000. His name is Spruce Hill Markus, 
it was a 6 hr drive one way to go get him.But he was /is worth every mile. 
May I just say I don't know what took so long to but one. He is a wonderful 
almost 2 yr old, light dun in color, with a personality that does not quit. I 
am currently having him trained for cart class for the local shows and maybe 
venture out from there.
I live in Quarter Horse country. Most shows here are made of Quarter or Paint 
Horses. I am not the only one in the area with Fjords, but nobody else shows 
at open, some do at Blue Earth.
Heres a couple questions if someone could take the time to respond I would be 
ever so thankful.
Is there a set of rules in a handbook that I could obtain to inform or have 
incase the local show Judges dont quite know how to Judge a Fjord, ie. 
clipping, what should be clipped for show and what not I saw at Blue Earth 
some clipped for show ears, feathers, cornet band, eyes and some not, proper 
stance, etc..
How do other Fjord owners who show at local shows deal w/ Judges, have there 
been problems?
Is there something I can do to stop mine from "going to town " w/ his mouth, 
he likes to wrap his lips around clothes, hair, body parts, his lead line. 
This is most annoying.
Are there better products to use to help maintain a healthy show coat (aside 
from elbow grease), supplements I should feed, keep indoors during the summer 
days and out at night??
Last but not least. How about western saddles that fit, kind, tree size 
I know these are alot of questions but show season is coming fast. Any help 
at all would be welcomed.
Thank you for your time
Linda Syverson-Kerr
Holmen, WI 54636

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