This message is from: "Ursula Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

List members....for those of you who are thinking about having stock
evaluated at the Sept 4,5,6, Libby Evaluation please be advised that you
have only a little over one week left to get you pre-evaluation forms filled
out and get them in to Mike with your $50/horse fee.
We require this commitment from you to set our budget and to also get
serious plans under way. Our original survey indicates a huge interest in
this Evaluation and a first come first serve policy is in place to deal with
registration.....the pre-eval clinic in Spokane already committed well over
half of the 50 spots available so there is no doubt that this Evaluation is
going to be huge....plans are in the works to have Arne Presthus, a well
respected judge from Norway, participate in this Eval and also offer an
evening seminar so there will be lots of things happening. The PNFPG Libby
Show follows on the weekend as part of Nordicfest...make your holiday plans
now and don't miss out.

I am happy to report that the Record Book is in the mail to those of you who
ordered it...there is tons of good info in the book to get you excited about
evaluations so read it carefully (I'm going to duck out of  the country for
a few weeks so save your kudos till we get back). Thanks to Sandy for
getting it into the mail in such a timely fashion....All of us on the
committee are excited to hear what you think of the book and hope it will be
met favourably as it has taken up the most part of a year to put together by
VOLUNTEERS...( a great bunch of gals)....
Congrats to all the new babies out there....we are waiting anxiously for one
mare to come in BEFORE we leave for Norway...she is actually due on the day
we leave but has a history of early births.(ha)!!
Ursula  Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032 Lumby BC Canada V0E-2G0
(250) 547-6303

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