This message is from: "Frederick J. Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sue G.

We had exactly that type of crud go through some of our herd.  Our horses in
our lower pasture got it too and the only common carrier between the animals
was me.  Separate feed/hay and water supply from the first sick horses.

I bathed my feet in disinfectant before going down to them (before they
caught it) and used separate gloves and coveralls.  Even then I had to have
carried the virus down to them myself.  Too far away to have been airborne
from the first sick horse to our others in our lower pasture.  Temperatures
up to 106, cough, runny eyes and noses.  Cough.

Used Banamine, Naxcel, and electrolytes (on vet's advice).  All well now.

Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, WA USA

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"...Have a flu-like virus going thru the herd. High temp, depressed, snots
and a cough in some, a little off feed(hard for those fjords to resist even
when they don't feel good!).

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