This message is from: "M.Bijster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What do they do to control the quality of the breeding mares?  It seems to
me that at least 50%, (or more), of the genetics that make up a foal come
from the mare.   Yet I never hear anything about quality control of mares
from any of the countries.  Only the stallions.  (Yes, I realize the
stallion can be responsible for many foals in one season, whereas the mare
only one in a season.  But that one should be the very best it can be.)

About the mares here in Holland:
you can breed with any registered fjord mare and let the foal than

But with the  mare you can go to a "keuring"  and there are several grades
she can achieve
she can be model mare,  a star mare,  excellent and I believe still
something else
You can do these "keurings" with the  geldings also,
but when yuo breed with a mare that has passed the highest "keurings",  the
price of the filly is more expensive.

I love the discussion about the fjord character in training.
My trainer already noticed that Hansje is more difficult and smarter than
most "normal" horses
That trics that work for other horses, don't work for her
I have to be quite firm with her, in an honest way, because when I become to
friendly she immediately takes advantage.
On the  other hand, I praise her loudly when she workes well and she does
work good for me.
I have her now a year and she had not been in hands very much before  and it
is touching to notice how attached she has become to me, even though she is
already 14,  She neighs  loudly when I enter the  stables and always comes
towards me when walking or when  sometimes I let a child sit on her.
greetings, Marion

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