This message is from: "Ursula Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        Dear List From Brian Jensen,
                 There has been some good information lately around Pleasure
Driving from Lisa P. and Karen M. with a touch of humour which makes it
learning and a good read. Thanks!!!  I thought it might be beneficial to add
some information about three main classes from a Judges perspective. Ursula
and I were CEF Carded in 1995 in Pleasure Driving and Draft resulting in
Judging smaller Shows in Canada and the US. I will list the three main
classes and comment a bit about each one
          1-Working Pleasure or Open Pleasure Driving
                  -70% on performance and way of going
                  -20% on condition and fit of harness and vechile
                  -10% on neatness of attire
     The Judges main focus in this class is on the horse, not the whip!!!!
As a whip your job is to show your horse to the best of your and its
ability. Most Judges make the first cut as you are entering the ring. They
mentally pick out the best 6 if there are six places and go from
there.Judges work from two methods. The first method everyone starts equal
and are deducted for mistakes or errors made during the class. For instance
a break of gait is usually heavily factored. into the final outcome. The
second method is based on everyone starting equal and are factored
positively for how well the performance is done. More sophisticated Judges
use both methods simultaneously.
            If two entrants are tied for first place and one entrant is
using side or overhead checks that entrant would be placed second as checks
are considered an aid. If you are the entrant it is your job not to get
caught or cornered. Doing a small circle back on yourself or passing, best
on a corner is just fine. You need room to show your horse and it is your
job to find it!! that does not mean cutting others off. Be polite and wait
your chance to move out.
           Reversing on the diagonal can be done at a walk diagonally across
the arena under the ring stewards direction or a halt on the rail is called,
and then the whip is asked to walk a quiet turn back on themselves to
reverse the direction.Generally four gaits, a halt, and a backup are
requested. Walk being a four-beat gait in a relaxed manner. Trot, a two beat
diagonal. .
          As the horse is the star in this class the Judge is watching for
impulsion, Frame, and manners that are suitable to provide a pleasure drive.
A Ladies Pleasure Driving  class places even more emphasis on manners and
suitability for the Pleasure Drive. An entrant who jigs or will not stand
still will likely not place well.
           We usually arrive the day or evening before the show and have a
practice drive in the arena to settle the horse and ourselves. Our nerves
are picked up by the horse and things can get out of hand. Lots of small
shows for practice are excellent for whip and horse.
           Gait transitions up and down must be smooth and timely so there
is no jerking. Shifting gears with a horse needs to look and feel like an
automatic transmission of a car.
           One of the more comical classes I remember was a class where the
announcer asked for the reverse on the diagonal and four horses turned in
from four corners  walking towards the centre. What a hoot. It looked like
the RCMP Musical Ride!!!!!
            If a runaway happens the safest place is in the centre of the
arena. Do not leave your outfit to help. Let the headers or folks on the
ground assist when the time is right. Your job is to keep yourself and your
outfit safe.
          2- Reinsmanship
                 This class is about the ability and skill of the whip
                     -75% on handling reins,whip,control,posture,and
                     -25% on condition of harness,vechile, attire.
                 Either one or two-handed  driving is acceptable. this class
is about you and not the horse as much. Drivers may be worked at any gait
and may be asked individually to do figures or other tests. Driving a one
handed circle is commonly asked. the Judge here places a lot of emphasis on
the patterns requested. If a figure eight is requested both circles need to
be equal and round. This class tests your skill as a driver.
          3-Turnout. Judged on Quality of performance and turnout.
               40% on performance, manners and way of going
               30% on condition of harness and vechile
                15% on neatness and attire.
                15% on overall impression
       All gaits may be requested, however the Judge is looking for that
perfect picture of cart and horse. So in this class horse, whip, vechile,
and harness are all accounted for.
      My favourite recall of this class is of a lady who won the class left
the arena and got off her cart to realise she only had her underpants and
hose on under her apron. Someone said now thats A TURNOUT!!!!!!!!! this has
gotten long winded but I hope it helps paint a small picture of what a Judge
is looking for in these three classes.   Brian Jensen

ula & Brian Jensen
Trinity Fjords
Box 1032 Lumby BC Canada V0E-2G0
(250) 547-6303

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