This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

Fjords are definitely different! Fred and Lois, yours had an excuse for
being upset since they were sitting on top of it all, the the ones around
here all ignored it and confirmed their opinions that Other Horses are very
silly. By the way, if you ever do get that pyroclastic flow, we expect you
to get Pepper and Sillie Willie out of there first! Just point them our way
and they'll find their way back, I'm sure.

Mary T. - sorry to have forgotten where you live, so glad you're OK! Doug
said our house and hanging pans shook, and the cats hid for several hours,
but nothing broke.

I have heard from one son in Seattle, but not the other. He'd better have a
darned good excuse, like still being buried under rubble! I may have to go
over there and have words with that boy [aged 37]!

We're still having phone and internet problems, and did have an aftershock
of 3.5 this am, but otherwise things are getting back to normal. In
Ellensburg, that's pretty ho-hum.

Bye now,

Peg Knutsen - Ellensburg, WA

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