This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Values near 75 are great, below 75 even better.  Values from 75-80 are
>acceptable.  Values over 80 indicate weaker legs and a need to train
>carefully, especially downhill.  Values over 85 suggest you need a horse
>with more substance-----(or a need to lose some substance!)

  *Grin*  well if that is the case the Arab and I are home free.  For years
I have looked at the body weight of the horse and not paid any attention to
the size of the cannon bone....thinking that the bigger and heavier the
horse, the more weight he could carry.  I measured my Arabs cannon
measures 7 1/2 inches.  Sundance, (solid App.) has a cannon bone 8 inches.
There would be a difference of 300 pounds in their weight.  So that must
mean that she can carry more rider weight that he can?  Can this be correct?
I measured Mistys hind leg bone while I was it it...she stopped chewing her
hay picked the leg right up and stood there on 3 legs.   *funny* LOL

According to the note here about the 300 pound rider...maybe I am not
"stocky" at all  but merely "pleasingly plump" or better yet...."plump
enough to look well?"  since I don't come anywhere near that weight. LOL.  I
have not measured Storms cannon bone yet....he isn't quite two yet so I have
got another year to wait before riding him.

>As men usually weigh more than us gals it seems they do not have problems
>with the Arab or quarter horse.  In pictures of cowboys long ago the horses
>are quite small with the cowboy towering over them.  So what should be a
>norm?  I know heavy people should not ride young horses.  And what is
Yes Jean, I too want to know....what is "Heavy"???
Have a great nite everyone, Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)

  • [no subject] Sue Harrison
    • Re: Storme Lee

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