This message is from: John and Martie Bolinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I had a pony like that once.  Trouble was she was SO bad that you had to ride
without stirrups so you could get your feet down fast enough!  It got tiring
holding your legs up the rest of the time.  And jumping was really scary.  If
you didn't get your feet up high enough fast enough you were left 'on the
fence'.  <G>  She was Wee Willies mom.
Martie in MD
truman matz wrote:

> This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > must short enough so if things get out of
> > can simply pull both feet out of the stirrups and set them on
> >the ground so that your mount can run right out from under you
> >Sue in N.B.
> >****************************************************************
> Sue, guess that's just about right.  Guess you better breed two of those
> little buggers, Carol.  Judy

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