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Hello List Members...

I am collecting a list of Books written on our favorite subject... Fjords...
I am also collecting articles either Newspaper or Magazine on Fjords.

Anyone that finds an article on Fjords would you copy and forward it to me?

With books, I have most of the ones I believe that are in print but if you
feel you have found or know of a rare one... Please I will purchase it. But
I also would like to know the Title, author and publisher. This will be for
a list that I will place on a web site for others to view.

Any authors out there that want an article printed ? Send me your articles.
I will be posting articles to the site.

Thank you for your help. (Oh it does not matter what language... we will try
to translate all articles into English for the site.)
Catherine Lassesen
Hestehaven - The Horse Garden
256 May Creek Road
Days Creek, OR 97429

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