This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/30/01 10:00:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

<< Are you saying if a birds feather falls on my property, I CAN'T pick it
 up?  or if I did and someone was watching that I'd could get a fine?
 That is unbelievable! which birds are migratory is the question!
 LOL...(laughing out loud)  and in some of my horse books, it shows the
 Fjord as a pony...ok which is it?
I think it more likely she means protected, or possibly endangered. Like the 
bald eagle, that scavenger relative of the buzzard that we mistakenly chose 
as this country's symbol. Hence the "3S" rule for dealing with the problem. 
Remember, even if you're NOT paraniod, the Government is still out to get you 
every way it can. I hated Reagan (the actor AND the stumblebum President), 
but there WAS an advantage to having James Watt and his policies in place. 

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