This message is from: "Dave Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


You brought up the discussion of cost in Promoting the Fjord Horse.  I would
like to add my 2 cents.   I have been bringing one or more of my Fjords to
Horse-A-Rama in Manitowoc, WI for the last 5 years.  I do it all for the
pleasure of showing off the Fjords and "doing" something with my horses.  I
do take in a few open shows, do a lot of trail riding, parades, wagon train,
whatever I can find to do with them I'll do it. Now granted this is a
smaller fair, and I live 15 minutes from Manitowoc, BUT it does cost still
the same.  The stalls/paying for helpers when I take more than one Fjord,
food, gas, bedding for the horse, costumes, decorations for the stall, etc,
etc.  This is a 2 day event.  The reason I do it-I love how you hear from
the front of the barn, "THE FJORDS ARE HERE!!!".  That is priceless.  I also
love opening the stall door and letting the kids pet and sometimes even sit
on my Fjords.  A lot of those kids never get to get that close to a horse, I
I also have been doing the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison WI for the last 3
years.  We live 3 hours from Madison.  The MWFHC does sponsor this to a
small degree.  I ride with the club, along with 8-10 horses.  The club pays
for the stalls, which includes the cost of entry.  WE have to pay for the
hotel/gas/food/bedding for the horse/ etc and this is a 3 day event which
means you have to be there 4 days. It is expensive.  We have some that are
breeders and some that are not.  There are those that only own one Fjord.  I
guess it would be wonderful if there was a fund, but until there is I will
be out there doing it as I just love to take my Fjord(s) off the farm to
show them off and ride/drive them anywhere and everywhere.  I may not be the
best person to be addressing this as the last few years I have had a small
number of horses forsale.  BUT the first 2-3 years I had nothing to sell and
I still feel the same way about it as I did in the beginning.  I can
honestly tell you if we couldn't put out sales list, I'd still be there.  I
want to do things with my horses and whatever you do it costs money.  I can
tell you I have only sold directly from those events once!
Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

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