This message is from: "truman matz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks Mike.  The American Bashkir Curly registry did something similar with
a man named Demale.  (That could be spelled incorrectly.)  Judy
-----Original Message-----
>Back in the earlier days of the Fjord in the US there was a breeder by the
>name of Bob Purdy (I am fairly sure it was Bob anyway).  There was a fire
>at the Purdy ranch that destroyed all of the breeding records of the
>horses.  Since that was before DNA typing was even thought of they had no
>way to know the parentage of the horses any longer.  They did know they
>were pure bred Fjords though.  So since there were so few Fjords in the US
>at that time at all the original members of the registry decided to allow
>the offspring of these horses to be registered even though there real
>identities were unknown.
>That is the story as I remember hearing it anyway.  This was way before I
>even knew what a Fjord Horse was.  Maybe some of the people on the list
>that have been into the Fjords longer than I have know more details on it.
>Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
>Mike May, Registrar
>Voice 716-872-4114
>FAX 716-787-0497

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