This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 01:16 PM 1/24/01 -0400, you wrote:
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur Rivoire)

NOT REQUIRED?  NOT REQUIRED? . . .  I'm astounded, and so damn glad this
came up.  I had no idea. And I wonder how many others thought this was
something the Registry had a handle on.

 I assume this is an oversight --  A mistake by the NFHR that they'll
correct immediately.

No I don't think it was an oversight Carol. First of all requiring it for registration is all we could really do. Since in America we can't really tell people that they can't breed the worst stallion you could find. So then that brings up the next problem. A lot of stallions are registered when they are only a couple of months old. I am sure some of them don't have 2 descended testicles at that age but will when they get a bit older. Also I am not so sure (Need some help from you Vets now) that the teeth can be reliably checked at the young age they are registered at.

In an ideal breeding situation (such as many European Studbooks), NO
MALFORMED STALLION would be allowed to breed.

This is certainly possible in the U.S. as well, but probably not be easily
accepted. ----  Therefore, the next best, and only responsible action is to
require all breeding stallions to have their teeth and testicles examined
by a vet, and the certificate on file with the NFHR.

If it's a good idea for Evaluated stallions, and to be listed in the
Herald, then it's a good idea for all breeding stallions.

I am not saying it isn't a good idea here but I am not sure what can be done with the timing of it.


*** Note:  (Karen McCarthy said that overbites are common in the Fjord
breed. -  That's news to me.  But, if she is seeing them, then this should
be a big WAKE UP CALL for all breeders and the NFHR.)

That is news to me too. Of all of the horses Evaluated so far I think one was knocked down for teeth not aligning correctly.


I can't think of a single reason why anyone would object to the reports.
There's almost no cost to it.  No hassle.  Very little paperwork.  If it's
required for the Evaluations, why not make it required for every breeding

I guess we need a definition of a "Breeding Stallion". Is that any stallion that still is intact or one that has bred a mare?

 That way, the purposes of the Evaluations (Education, Breed Improvement)
would be available to even the most remote stallion owner.

Only one very small part of the Evaluation Carol.


I can think of quite a few people. Hell out of 330 living stallions only 140 of them have filed the Vet Inspection form. Only 111 of them that have the Vet Cert on file filed Stallion Breeding Reports for 2000. So I guess some people object to having it done. I have received 152 Stallion Breeding Reports so at least 41 owners didn't care enough about the free advertising to get the Vet Certificate done. I even sent out a blank form with the reports this year to eliminate that excuse.


It's the very least we can do to protect the breed.

Then why only require it of stallions? Remember they are only breeding 1.5 mares per year so in this case mares have a big influence on the breed too.

I've listened to all the talk about American Fjords vs. European Fjords,
and American Fjords being just as good. . . .  WELL, THEY COULD BE . . .
BUT THEY WON'T BE until we take these basic steps towards protecting the
quality of our breed.

They are as good Carol. Hell look at the pedigrees they all come from Norway or Holland or someplace in Europe. If you go back far enough they all come from Norway.

I forwarded your message to their BOD for their info.



Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

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