This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello again everyone. puter has been in the shop for a week.  I missed out on the
digests 15 up to and including 20.  Is there anyway you can send them to me?

Well thank you to whoever mentioned using soap to stop chewing.  Storm (the
BRAT) chews on my poor 31 year old mares rump each time she is turned out
with him in the morning.  Boy...he does not like the taste of soap!  At
first I rubbed ivory soap on her by dipping the bar in a bit of water...did
not go on well....then I traded the bar soap for palmolive dish
soap....voila.....soapy bum and no more bite...after the first one that is.
LOLLOL.   hmmmm wonder which flavour tastes worse....commments anyone?  We
have had 2 other geldings that would chew this same rump...must be the
flavour.....VBG.  I plastered every bitter thing and hot thing on her I
could think of and nothing worked. Both the other geldings were sold much to
her relief.

 Storm was also backing into the page wire fence to scratch his rump.  I
strung a hot wire across and it is still up...lord I would have loved to
seen when he first backed into that....LOL   He is like a two year old
kid....what can I get into next?
Someone mentioned leaving the barn door open while I cleaned him
out...letting him numb around the wheelbarrow etc...I did that and that
particular day I did it,  he had on no halter.....I shut him out, leaving
the top doorhalf open,  but left the bottom doorhalf closed and
he could see but not touch.  He worked away trying to undo the snap holding
the door shut.. and all of a sudden bang...he went and got the top half
leaning against the barn and slammed it shut and stalked off....leaving me
in the dark literally.  What a acted just like he knew what
he was doing and did it on purpose.  Could they be that smart??
Well tata for now,  having a beautiful but cold day here in New Brunswick,
Sue, (Desert Storm's mom)

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