This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 1/20/01 11:30:11 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

<< Likely cows have more brains than "W" has displayed so far.  >>

   Merek !  I would have placed you as a true blue Republican......well what 
do you know about that.  There may be hope for a good conversation over a cup 
of whatever someday !  My Granny Milly came to Minnesota  from Sweden on a 
boat when she was 16. Died at age 94 a couple of years ago. She told the best 
Norwegian and Republican jokes of anyone I have ever met. Had true undiluted 
dislike for both. When I married Jeff, I told her that I was getting 
hitched....and she asked " ohhhh, to that big blond guy ? "  " Yes, I said, " 
 "  Well how do you SPELL that name again ? " "
 PEDERSEN Granny "    Ohhhhhh, well then, thats OK with me. " ( Danish )  If 
it had been spelled with a T and an O , she would rather have had me marrying 
one Karem Abdul Jabar, Im sure. <G>                     Lisa PEDERSEN 

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