This message is from: "Janne Myrdal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


good going,- but in fear of offending cow people, I cannot respond to the
feeling question for cows, ha.  Now, the calves I have to bottle feed
sometimes they are cute!!!  Cows are just dumb if you ask me.  Sorry!

Moooooving on and back to horses.   Went to a local horse sale last night
with a friend, bottom of the barrel sale so to speak.  I cannot handle going
to those sales, as half the horses go to slaughter, and that only because
people have NOT taken care of them, or because they breed w/o purpose and so
the result is like a bunch of yearlings etc with nowhere to go.   Probably a
few of the  Belgians that came thru are out of peelines(sp?)

Sorry, just had to steam off here.  GRRRRRRRRRRRR

Janne in ND, 22 degrees today, but where I am watching the inauguration
today, sorry some of you but I'll be glad to see W in there.

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